Frequently Asked Questions
How do I set up transportation for my appointment?
- Create an account and arrange the trip online.
- Call the MAS Contact Center.
Does MAS arrange Medicaid transportation in all areas of New York State?
MAS is a private non-emergency medical transportation manager contracted by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) to coordinate Medicaid-covered transportation to healthcare for enrollees. MAS serves Medicaid enrollees in all areas of New York State. For information regarding eligibility, please call our contact center for assistance.
What are the Contact Center hours of operation?
Contact Center customer service representatives are available 24/7 every day to arrange discharges and emergency transportation requests (urgent transportation). Regular business hours for enrollee services are Monday through Friday, 7am – 6pm. Transportation can be schedule online at any time.
Do enrollees have to pay for transportation to Medicaid-covered healthcare services?
No. Transportation to authorized healthcare services is provided at no cost to enrollees. Scheduling online or by phone with MAS ensures transportation is authorized, per NYSDOH policy, and a covered benefit. Transportation providers (aside from public transit) should never request or expect direct payment from an enrollee.
How do I know what transportation level to use when setting up an appointment?
Additional information on the different modes of transportation is available here: Modes of Transit
What is a 2020 (Outside Common Medical Marketing Area) Form?
The area in which a community usually receives medical care and services is defined by New York State as a “Common Medical Marketing Area” or CMMA. When an enrollee requires medical care not offered in their CMMA, MAS coordinates with the enrollee, their medical practitioner and transportation providers to ensure that the enrollee’s need are met. In these cases, the enrollee’s medical provider will complete a NYS 2020 (Outside Common Medical Area) Form and submit it directly to MAS. In short, if your healthcare provider determines you need specialty care that is only available outside of your local area, MAS will coordinate transportation services to ensure your needs are met.
What if I have a car and I’m eligible for Medicaid transportation?
Medicaid transportation is provided at no cost to enrollees. The Medicaid program reimburses enrollees for mileage to prior authorized appointments. To ensure mileage costs are a covered expense, enrollees must schedule their trips in advance online or via the MAS Contact Center. They will then receive additional information on how to receive mileage reimbursement.
Does MAS use a relay system for hearing disabled? What about translations?
Yes! MAS uses a relay system for the hearing disabled on every county or borough (found here) specific number. We also offer translation services through our Contact Center. Russian, Mandarin and Spanish speaking customer service representatives are often on-duty; however, with minimal wait time, MAS contracts with the CP Language Institute of New York City to assist with translation.
How are vendors determined for Medicaid Transportation under MAS?
MAS assigns trips on the following basis within the appropriate mode of transportation: 1) enrollee’s freedom of choice, 2) medical provider’s freedom of choice, and 3) rotation. Only three percent of all trips assigned by MAS are assigned by rotation.
Does MAS provide bus fare / public transit passes?
Yes. Enrollees who typically travel by public transit should request transportation through MAS at least 5 days before the healthcare appointment date. Scheduling in advance allows time for MAS to mail transit passes. When passes cannot be mailed in advance, public transit fare to prior-authorized appointments is reimbursable. For more information on requesting public transit passes or the reimbursement process, please call the Contact Center for assistance or email
Additional information on public transit resources is available here: Public Transit
When an enrollee uses an ambulette service, what can they expect? What is the responsibility of the transportation provider?
General Expectations for Ambulette Services:
- Ambulette services provide “door-to-door” service. The transportation provider will not go into the enrollee’s home but going to the enrollee’s door to provide assistance is appropriate (door-to-door service).
- An enrollee who can walk to and from a vehicle, his or her home, and a place of medical services without such assistance is deemed not to require personal assistance.
- Ambulette providers are required transport the paratransit disabled in their designated service area. Services should be delivered safely, and providers should staff accordingly. For example, there are times when providers will need to assist an enrollee down a long driveway, over a curb or to the vehicle during inclement weather.
NYS Policy Regarding Ambulette Services
NYS regulations guide ambulette services. Title 18 NYCRR § 505.10(16) reads:
Personal assistance means the provision of physical assistance by a provider of ambulette services or the provider’s employee to an MA recipient for the purpose of assuring safe access to and from the recipient’s place of residence, ambulette vehicle and MA covered health service provider’s place of business. Personal assistance is the rendering of physical assistance to the recipient in walking, climbing or descending stairs, ramps, curbs or other obstacles; opening or closing doors; accessing an ambulette vehicle; and the moving of wheelchairs or other items of medical equipment and the removal of obstacles as necessary to assure the safe movement of the recipient. In providing personal assistance, the provider or the provider’s employee will physically assist the recipient which shall include touching, or, if the recipient prefers not to be touched, guiding the recipient in such close proximity that the provider of services will be able to prevent any potential injury due to a sudden loss of steadiness or balance. A recipient who can walk to and from a vehicle, his or her home, and a place of medical services without such assistance is deemed not to require personal assistance.
How can I submit a comment or feedback?
We appreciate feedback on the services we provide! All comments are taken seriously and will be promptly investigated. Click here to submit feedback directly to our Customer Service team, or call the Contact Center.
How do I report cases of suspected Medicaid program fraud or abuse?
MAS is committed to ensuring Medicaid program integrity. To report suspected fraud or program abuse, please click here: Report Fraud or call the Contact Center.